Sunday, April 16, 2006

Square Bright #1

Finished Size: 46"x38.5"

This was the first quilt that I have ever made, ever.

I have always wanted to do patchworking but have always felt that I didn't have the time or money. I then figured that I would never have the time or money and I should just do it.

So I went into a patchwork shop in Brighton and saw a quilt that is similar to this one and it went from there.

This quilt originally started out in Feb 05 as a lap quilt for my Nanna's 91st Birthday in June.

I then showed her the fabric in May and was told that the fabric was really bright and what was it? A table runner?

So that idea was laid to rest and I left it idling away. I then made arrangements to go to Melbourne in September to do a course and I knew that I wanted to see the lady that I used to live next door to. I always wanted to give her something to show her that I really appreciated everything that she did for me whilst I lived next door to her.

Then I realised that I had this quilt pretty much done. All I had to do was put backing on it. Couldn't be that hard right?

So I went to one of the quilt stores that I frequent quite a bit and was told that I should spread all three layers on the floor, pin it altogether and then quilt it it would be fine.

So I did that and then realised that I didn't know how to put the binding on it. So I went to the other quilt store that I go to a lot (and they actually have classes) and put myself down for a class.

Once I got to the class though, it turned out that I didn't spread the quilt tight enough and it was now lumpy and bubbly. Also the butterfly that I had appliqued (had no idea of what I was doing) on wasn't quite right so half of the first lesson was undoing the butterfly.

I then quilted the squares some more and thinking about it now I probably could've undone all the other quilting and started again, this time with it stretched tight. But as they say hindsight is always the best.

So it took me about three weeks of lessons and doing the homework outside of class to get it finished. When it was done it was lumpy where the fabric had poofed up and also wavy cause of not stretching it (again) and also I think when I was sewing on the binding I did it a bit tight.

When I gave it to her though she was so happy with it. She said that she would have to will it back to me when she went. She then asked if she could be buried with it when she died. I told her of course she could if she wanted to. She also said it was the best thing anyone had ever given her. I felt bad cause I think it is bodgy due to not stretching it right but she loves it.

I tried to point out all the things that were wrong and she wouldn't let me continue. She wouldn't hear of it and said that it doesn't matter what I think is wrong with it she thinks that it is perfect and doesn't want to hear of it any other way!!!

So that's the story of my first quilt.

Love k


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish my first had been that good...awesome!

1:27 AM  
Blogger Kelly said...

Thanks Beth.

But you should see it close up!!

You'd be able to see heaps of the mistakes I made.

The second one looked much better when it was finished.

2:21 PM  

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